November 24, 2022

Tips for cleaning your worries away.

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Your home is your safe space to unwind. With lives growing busier and time becoming the most precious commodity it is hard to justify setting aside large intervals to keep on top of a cleaning routine. However letting tasks pile up is just as detrimental and leaves you wondering where to start and if the end will ever be in sight.

The only way to stay ahead of the tidying game is to build in small habits throughout your day. These tips are simple, achievable and easy to slot into your routine. Take on one or two at a time and find yourself entering your home at the end of each day with a little more clarity and a running to-do list that is just that little bit shorter.

Clear the largest surface in a room

Keep the largest item in a room clear. Making your bed can instantly transform your bedroom, as can clearing the dining room table, kitchen bench and bathroom vanity. Developing the simple habits of making your bed, wiping down benchtops and storing toiletries away will ensure your rooms undergo an instant transformation. It will also make cleaning less arduous as you won’t have to clear the space of clutter first.

Wipe down surfaces

Wipe down surfaces after you use them – kitchen benches, dining tables, coffee tables or vanities. Have a spray bottle, microfibre cloth or a roll of paper towel stored in an easily accessible place to make this easier and more likely to become a part of your routine. Your spaces will be clean after you have finished using them and there will be a lot less left to clean
at the end of the day.

Use a light-weight vacuum and spray mop

If there are two household cleaning appliances that will make the biggest impact on maintaining a tidy home, they are a light-weight vacuum and spray mop. A quick vacuum of crumbs and wipe of spills as you are cleaning the kitchen or after you have finished your meals prevents chores from piling up. Using light-weight and portable appliances adds ease to any clean up so it is done in the smallest of timeframes.

Declutter as you go

The word ‘decluttering’ seems to be on everyone’s lips as people crave spaces that feel organised and energised. Avoid feeling overwhelmed by starting small. Each time you go to the pantry, take out one item that is out of date. When you open a drawer in the bathroom, take out one product that has expired. File a bill off the fridge if you know it has been paid. These small acts add up over time and you will start to create tidier spaces for the smallest of efforts.

Contain it

Clear containers with lids are your go-to storage solution for cupboards, wardrobes and linen presses. You can see what is stored inside and stack them, all while keeping dust and dirt from collecting on your items. Remember to measure your space before buying any containers to ensure they fit properly and buy one container to trial it in the space before investing in a collection. A functional storage system removes stress of tidying up as you are more likely to put
things away once you have finished with them if they can be easily stored and located for next

Shoes were made for storin’

The entrance way to your home sets the tone for the remainder of your space. Avoid being greeted by piles of school shoes and soccer boots by using a shoe cupboard or a large wicker basket. A shoe rack is messy, impractical and makes the area even more chaotic. Cupboards and baskets ensure shoes are popped away out of sight as soon as they are kicked off without even needing to pair them first.

Create a waste station

A clearly labelled station for rubbish, recyclables and soft plastics makes it easy for everyone to tidy up their own mess. Have a regular schedule for taking them to your outside bin or your local recycling centre to avoid a buildup of waste products in your home. When you feel confident you can add compost and food scraps into your system. Your waste will be easier to dispose of and you will be doing your bit for the environment too.

Toy storage

The secret to packing away toys is to keep the storage system so easy that even your children can put away their belongings. Toys can be gathered up quickly and stored in large baskets and storage cubes. You can have fun tailoring these items to fit into the aesthetic of your home. No one but you will know that the woven wicker basket in the corner is actually harbouring a large collection of brightly coloured lego and musical instruments.

Mail and paperwork

The only way to keep on top of your mail and paperwork is to deal with it as soon as it enters your home. Open letters and bills once you bring them inside, mark when payments are due on a calendar and then file them away. Recycle envelopes, newspapers and magazines as soon as you have finished reading them and invest in a paper shredder so you can easily dispose of letters that may hold personal information or old bank cards and licences after they have been

Celebrate space

Tidy homes have one characteristic in common – they showcase space. Tops of dressing tables, buffets or counters are mostly clear with one or two statement pieces on display. Floor space is valued and walls have one eye-catching artwork rather than many small ones. Select a few possessions and photos to have on display at one time and alternate them when you feel like a change. This allows your space to breathe and reignites fond memories with each refresh. The take-home tidy tip? Keep it as simple as possible. It really is the case of less is more when it comes to keeping a tidy home. By continuing to persevere with regular acts of maintenance you will soon find you have your home (and your weekends) back just how you like them.

Cleaning and preparation are essential when getting ready for sale. If you’re considering making a move please chat with Daniel Jennings anytime.

Tell me what my property is worth.

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Article by Rowan Stubbs

Rowan has been selling Blue Mountains’ lifestyle properties for over 15 years. His calm and understanding manner makes him a valuable partner in any negotiation. With extensive knowledge and experience, Rowan ensures a smooth and focused journey towards the best possible outcome for all.